
Cards (16)

  • Population is defined as a group of individuals of the same species living and interbreeding within a given area
  • Members of a population rely on the same resources, are subject to similar environmental constraints, and depend on the availability of other members to persist over time
  • Demography is the study of the size, territorial distribution, and composition of population, including changes in natality, mortality, migration, and social mobility
  • Population refers to people living within a political or geographical boundary, while demography focuses on the study of human populations and how they change
  • Demographic analysis focuses on studying changes in the size, growth rates, and composition of a population, translating aggregate-level processes into statements about demographic circumstances faced by individuals
  • Factors that affect population distribution include changes in birth and death rates, where higher birth rates lead to population increase
  • The Demographic Transition Model shows how population changes as a country develops through stages:
    • Stage 1: High birth and death rates, population size remains fairly constant
    • Stage 2: Introduction of modern medicine lowers death rates, rapid population growth
    • Stage 3: Birth rates decrease due to improved economic conditions, women's status, and access to contraception
    • Stage 4: Low birth and death rates stabilize the population
    • Possible Stage 5: Fertility rates fall significantly below replacement level, elderly population exceeds the youthful population
  • Human migration is the movement of people from one place to another, impacting cultural landscapes
  • Types of migration include internal migration (within a state, country, or continent), external migration (to a different state, country, or continent), emigration, immigration, return migration, and seasonal migration
  • Reasons for migrating include push factors like food shortage, war, and floods, and pull factors like nicer climate, job opportunities, and better food supply
  • World population changes over time are studied by considering the rate of change rather than focusing only on the total population level
  • India has the largest population, Niger has the highest fertility rate, Antarctica is the largest desert, and Africa has the highest adolescent birth rate
  • The consequences of population growth include investment, overuse of resources, urbanization, per capita income, standard of living, agricultural development, employment, social infrastructure, labor force, capital formation, environmental damage, and impact on the world economy
  • The current population of Southeast Asia is 680M, with a population density of 154 per Km2 and a median age of 30.2 years
  • The current population of the Philippines is 112,213,933, with a population density of 368 per Km2 and a median age of 25.7 years
  • The projected population of the Philippines in 2023 is 117,337,368, representing a 1.54% increase