CVA - Appendicular skeleton

Cards (14)

  • In a lamprey, the fins and tail are the axial skeleton
  • agnathans have no appendicular skeleton, but the do have paired fins
  • lamprey and hagfish possess fin folds along their backs
  • Fin fold theory: Balfour and Thacher (1876) - Proposes that they evolved from a trunk bilateral fin fold
  • Fin spine hypothesis: Westoll (1958) - Spinal separation of fin folds evolved into median paired fins overtime
  • Gill Arch Theory: Gegenbaur's (1878) - The most posterior gill arch developed into a limb, similar to how anterior gill arches may have developed into jaws
  • Gill arches and fins develop similarly
  • Fins have girdles, long bone (basal) and fin rays
  • Lepidotrichia are made of bone, where actinotrichia are made of keratin and ray-finned. Both are digit-like formations
  • From lobed-fin fish to tetrapods, lepidotrichia was lost and phalanges developed from the rest of the skeleton
  • Birds either have lengthened digits or they made be reduced entirely. Ungulates can be similar
  • Pectoral girdle
    • scapula
    • clavicle
    • coracoid
  • Pelvic girdle parts:
    • ilium
    • ischium
    • pubis
  • It is those in the fossil record that some animals may have reduced digits for swimming, flying, and running