summary/conclusion: YabT phosphorylates EF-Tu during sporulation to shut down protein synthesis in preparation for quiescence during sporulation
point 1: EF-Tu and YabT are present during sporulation
experiment -> integrated flag epitope at end of yabT gene and had antibody for flag
results show
EF-Tu is always present throughout the cell
YabT appears after 2 hours of inducing sporulation
point 2: YabT specifically localizes to the forespore (FS) during sporulation
experiment -> attached fluorescent proteins to proteins that were ONLY in mother cell (MC) or forespore
results -> YabT appears only in the FS not MC, EF-Tu present in both MC and FS
point 3: YabT phosphorylates EF-Tu on Thr63
experiment -> ran western blot on samples with and without EF-Tu or YabT
results -> only YabT phosphorylates EF-Tu and does so on Thr63 because:
due to presence of double band with EF-Tu/YabT lane
with mutated Thr63 and YabT there was no double band
point 4: phosphorylated EF-Tu can bind GTP
explanation -> final conclusion is that phosphorylated EF-Tu inactivates it by disabling it from dissociating from ribosome because phosphorylated EF-Tu can still bind to GTP
experiment -> dot blot strips of membrane containing GTP dotted with increasing concentration of EF-Tu protein species
GTP binding deficient mutant EF-Tu
phosphorylated EF-Tu
results -> EF-Tu can bind to GTP regardless if it's phosphorylated or not
point 5: phosphorylation of EF-Tu inhibits GTP hydrolysis
experiment -> measuring GDP levels (aka GTP hydrolysis) by thin layer chromatography (TLC) by spotting EF-Tu on membrane with solvent at bottom to wick up the membrane and separate protein by size
GTP, 70S ribosome (helps GTPase activity), EF-Tu by itself as control
results -> WT and dephosphorylated EF-Tu had same levels of GTP hydrolysis while phosphorylated were very low thus phosphorylation inhibits
point 6: phosphorylation of EF-Tu impairs protein elongation
experiment -> conducted TLC by adding radioactive aa tRNA with ribosome and see if WT or phosphorylated EF-Tu have difference in levels of tripeptide or dipeptide
results -> WT forms tripeptide properly because EF-Tu can dissociate from ribosome but phosphorylated does not because the phosphorylation prevents EF-Tu from dissociating so it only forms a dipeptide at most