The direction of electric current is in the direction opposite to direction of electrons
Electrons drift in the direction opposite to the electric field
Acceleration of e (a)= q E/m
With increase in temperature e K.E. increases so more collision, less relaxation time and decrease in drift velocity hence resistance increases
Thermal velocity of e, E = 3/2KT
Resistance is directly proportional to heat energy.
Bonded e ossilate in their position due to energy acquired during collision. This energy will be released in form of heat
Resistivity is independent of length and area
Mobility- drift velocity gain per unit electric field
Mobility does not depend on electric field
Slope of resistivity vs temp will be small if high resistivity
slope of resistivity vs temp will be more if low resistivity
Electron density is independent of temp
Temperature coefficient of resistivity is positive for metals
In alloys atoms are in disorder so alloy have higher resistivity, their disorder due to temp increase become insignificant hence alloys are almost independent of temp
Value of temp coefficient is negative for semiconductor
Internal resistance of cell: resistance offered by the electrolyte of the cell
I.R. cell depends upon:
directly proportional to separation of electrodes
inversely proportional to area of electrodes immersed in electrolyte
inversely proportional to concentration of electrolyte
nature of electrolyte
resistance increases with decrease in temp
EMF of cell: max potential difference between electrodes of cell in open circuit
terminal potential: potential difference between electrodes of cell in closed circuit
Galvanometer shows deflection due to current flowing through it, but no current flows into galv.
Output power of source emf will be max when external resistance is equal to internal resistance