Kagan elders narrated that the word “Kagan” comes from the rootword “Kaag” with the verb derivation of “to inform or to warn;” and its adjectival derivation also derived from the word “Caraga” which means beingalert and disciplined tribe
Kaag” with the verb derivation of
to inform or to war
Caraga -which means being alert and disciplined tribe
Kagan used to live at the shore of Linok (Davao gulf)
Tribes in Mindanao through “barter trading
Consequently, they were Islamized in the middle of the 15th century by the Sharrifs from Maguindanao and Sulu who introduced to them the Islamic faith.
The ancient Kagan tribe gained foothold in the coastline of Davao.
The attention of the neighboring tribe will get caught for every foreign intruder who would land in the coastline using a sounded gong
Agong -is served as an alarm that they have enemies approaching their area
The Kagansociety is a product of numerous influences brought about by constant contacts and intermarriages with other groups from mainland Mindanao, the Zamboanga Peninsula and smaller islands of Mindanao
The Kagan pre-Islamic society had already had an organized political system that rule over the whole Kagan people
The Kagans ruled by the “barabangsa” or nobles who formed a council that decides on matters related to various community concerns ranging from the personal to the marital and social concerns
Barabangsa -It was also this council that imposed laws and punishment violators, whether they beexecuted or punished depending on the degree of violations that they had committed based from their concepts of good and evil.
"The Mansaka is an ethnic group found in the southern part of the Philippines, particularly in the provinces of Davao del Norte and Compostela Valley.
According to DatuOnlos, these tribes used to be a single tribe.,
Mansaka, Mandaya, and Kalagan (or Kagan) tribes
The Kalagan tribe is divided into two. Half of the group followed the Muslim faith, while the other half retained their traditional faith.
“Mansaka” derives from “man” meaning “first” and “saka” meaning “to ascend,”
Mansaka means “the first people to ascend the mountains or go upstream
According to Datu Onlos, the first generation of Mansaka was not open to new development.
Datu Onlos also mentioned that they believe in the God called Magbabaya
Gimbal - (double-headed drum made of deer skin);
agung - (wide-rimmed, vertically suspended gong);
kudlong - (two-stringed instrument, which resembles the Muslim kudyapi
If two kudlongs are played together, it is known as bandayon.
kudlong is usually played for courtship.
A dance for prayer or ritual is called Binalyan –communicating to Magbabaya (God)
Datu Sucnaan stated that “According to our ancestors, God finds pleasure when you dance.”
pag-iyak – a sort of shouting, which is the counterpart of Western clapping. Example: “Huh” or “Yahu.”
dawot is an extemporaneous singing that talks about their history, culture, and tradition.
According to Datu Sucnaan, each story has a different babawoy or tonada (tune)
The Mansaka learn their music through their dead ancestors, who appear to them in a sacred place in Masara Mountain called “Pula,” where only the Mansaka are allowed
Chanting is a common practice in Mansaka’s style of singing
The indication of a sudden change of the dynamics level from soft to loud is called lugoy.
Datu Onlos passed away on
July23, 2014.
Mansakaethnicgroup is found in the provinces of Davao del Norte and Compostela Valley particularly in the cities of Davao and Tagum and other municipalities of the said provinces in Pantukan , Maco Mabini, Mawab, Nabunturan and Maragusan
The Mansaka are the most dominant ethnic group in Compostella Valley Province. They are said to have lived in the area since the time when Magbabaya (Creator) created them.
Mansaka ethnic group is found in the provinces of
Davao del Norte and Compostela Valley
Inter-tribal war – a member going into the territory of another indigenous group, which causes the death of many members
It is the tribal leader who has the full authority to resolve any problem and ease relationships anew.
Men are tasked with tilling the land and other farm-related jobs