big idea 5

Cards (38)

  • The İnternet is a global connection of networks, while the World WideWeb is collection of information that is accessed via the İnternet.
  • In October 1969, the ARPAnet (original name for the İnternet)delivered its first message: "LO." it was attempting to send the message"LOGIN," but it crashed.
  • The digital divide is the difference in access to technology including access to computers and the Internet.
  • Several variables affect the digital divide:■ lnfrastructure - Some parts of the world do not have access to the Internet.■ Education - A person could have access to the internet but not have the education to use it.
  • Several variables affect the digital divide:■ Indifference - A person could have access to the Internet but choose not to use it.■ Cost -The cost of accessing the Internet could make using it unaffordable.
  • The "greedy algorithm" was developed in 19 5 6 by E. W. Dijk-stra to find the shortest path from a starting node to all other nodes in a weighted graph. The purpose of this algorithm has evolved over time and is now commonly used for finding the shortest path to take by navigation systems.
  • A computing innovation includes a program as an integral part of its function.
  • ramifications :sonuçlar,konudan türeyerek onu karmaşıklaştıran sonuçlar
  • Since computing innovations are created by people, the innovationscreated can reflect bias that the programmers bring with them. Programmers should take action to reduce biases at all levels of software development.
  • Crowdsourcing is the practice of obtaining input or information frommany people via the Internet.
  • obtain :edinmek
  • Crowdsourcing offers new models for connecting business withfunding. Crowdsourcing can also connect social causes with funding.
  • Citizen science is scientific research using public participation in scientific research. The research is conducted in whole or part by distributed individuals, many of whom may or may not be scientists. They contribute relevant data to research using their own computing devices. Since many of the contributors might not have scientific training, usually the data collected, although vast, are not necessarily technical.
  • Open source are programs that are made freely available and may be redistributed and modified.■ Open access is online research output free of all restrictions onaccess and free of many restrictions on use, such as copyright or license restrictions.
  • Computing innovations can also raise legal and ethical concerns. Some examples of these innovations include:■ The development of software that allows access to digital media downloads and streaming ■ The development of algorithms that inc1ude bias ■ The existence of computing devices that collect and analyze data by continuously monitoring activities
  • Creative Commons is an American nonprofit organization that isdedicated to expanding the range of creative works available for others to build upon and share legally.
    Creative Commons licenses can vary from letting others copy, distribute ,display, and perform only original copies of work while not allowing modification without the author's permission to allowing for modification if credit is given to the author. There are six different levelsof this license.
  • Personally, identifiable information (PII) is information about an individual that identifies, links, relates, or describes that person. Examples ofPlI include the following:■ Social security number■ Age■ Race■ Phone numbers■ Medical information■ Financial information■ Biometric data
  • integrity :bütünlük,doğruluk,sağlamlık,tamlık
  • PII can be analyzed and processed by businesses and shared with othercompanies. The information collected has enabled companies to gaininsight into how to interact with customers better. PII and other information can be used to enhance a user's online experience. PII can also be used to simplify making online purchases.PII has monetary value. The entire business model for some computinginnovations is to sell user information to targeted advertisers. As a result,concerns have been raised over how companies handle the sensitive infomation of their consumers.
  • Technology enables the collection, use, and exploitation of information about, by, and for individuals, groups, and instructions. For example:
    ■ Search engines can record and maintain a history of searches made by users.
    ■ Websites can record and maintain a history of individuals who have viewed their pages.
    ■ Devices, websites, and networks can collect information about auser's location.
  • exploitation : istismar,kötüye kullanma
  • A computing innovation generates metadata that can have the effect of reducing the privacy of the user. Metadata can include geolocation , time, date, filename, and so on. This rapid sharing of user data can often have significant impacts beyond the intended purpose or control of the programmer.
  • malware : kötü amaçlı/kötücül yazılım
  • Digital certificate authorities issue digital certificates that validate theownership of encryption keys used in secure communications and arebased on a trust model.
  • encryption keys :şifre anahtarı
  • To increase security, encryption is used. Encryption uses cryptographic algorithms to encrypt data. data.
    Encryption is the process of encoding data to prevent unauthorized access.
    Decryption is the process of decoding the data
  • Symmetric key encryption uses the same key for both encryption and decryption. The one key is a shared secret and relies on both sides keeping their key secret.
  • Public key encryption (also called asymmetric encryption) uses two keys-one private and one public. Anyone with the public key can encrypt data, and the public key is public. To decrypt, a second key, which is private, is needed
  • Malware is malicious software intended to damage a computing system or take partial control or its operations.
  • malicious :kötücül
  • Computer viruses are malicious programs that can copy themselves and gain access to a computer in an unauthorized way. Viruses often perform some type of harmful activity on infected host computers. Computer viruses often attach themselves to legitimate programs and start running independently on a computer.
  • ransom :fidye
  • Phishing is a technique that directs users to unrelated sites that trick the user into giving personal data. Phishing is a technique used by cyber criminals posing as a legitimate institution to lure individuals into providing sensitive data, such as PII, banking and credit card details, and passwords. This personal information can then be used to access sensitive online resources, such as bank accounts and emails
  • spoof :kandırma,dolandırma
  • Keylogging is the use of a program to record every keystroke madeby the computer user in order to gain fraudulent access to passwords and other confidential information. Keylogging monitors and records every password and credit card number the user types and then sends this information to cyber criminals who make use of this sensitive data. Some keyloggers are hardware. The physical hardware is installed between the keyboard and the computer. Security software cannot detect hardware keyloggers.
  • Data sent over public networks can be intercepted, analyzed, and modified. One way that this can happen is through a rogue access point. A rogue access point is a wireless access point that gives unauthorized access to secure networks.
  • intercept :alıkoymak,yakalamak,yakalanan radyo sinyali
  • Multifactor authentication is a method of computer access control in which a user is granted access only after successfully presenting several pieces of evidence to an authentication mechanism, typically in at least two of the following categories: ■ Knowledge -something the user knows ■ Possession-something the user hasInherence -something the user is