big idea 1

Cards (21)

  • Hardware is the physical components of a computing device, whilesoftware is the instructions in a programming language to thecomputing device.
  • A computing innovation can have hardwarecomponents. However, the computing innovation is about the software, not the hardware.
  • Moore's law predicts that the size of transistors halvesevery two years while the cost also halves every two years.
  • a compiler is a program that converts instructions into a machine-code or lower-level form so that they can be read and executed by a computer.
  • Collaboration is a learned skill. That skill includes but is not lim-ited to:■ Communication■ Consensus building■ Conflict resolution■ Negotiation
  • consensus building:fikir birliği
  • conflict resolution:uyuşmazlık çözümü
  • suppress:önlemek,baskı altında tutmak
    faciliate:yardım etmek,olanak tanımak
    repository:veri havuzu,depo
  • collaboration and repository:other people can leave comments to help you solve a problem in the code
  • think-pair-share:you think of an idea share it with someone and get their opinion than share the idea with the class
  • pair programming:two programmers work together.The driver(the one that writes the code and the observer(the one that reviews each line of code as its typed)
  • in put can come in a variety of forms, such as tactile ( touch ), audio,visual, or text.
  • This weather app was triggered by the user saying (audio) "HeyPhone...," which would be an example of audio input.This triggering is called an event. The event is the action that supplies input<lata to a program.
  • development process:
    1. investigating and reflecting
    2. designing
    3. prototyping
    4. testing
  • Program documentation is a written description of the functionof a code segment, event, procedure, or program and how it wasdeveloped.
  • Logic error-This is a mistake in the algorithm or programthat causes it to behave incorrectly or unexpectedly.
  • Syntax error-This is a mistake in the program where therules of the programming language are not followed.
  • Runtime error-This is a mistake in the program that occursduring the execution of a program. Programming languagesdefine their own runtime errors.18
  • Abstraction in computer science is the process of removing elements of a code or program that aren't relevant or that distract from more important elements.Basically abstraction hides the complex logic and codes from the user.
  • An analog signal has values that change smoothly over time,rather than in discrete intervals. Some examples of analog datainclude pitch, the volume of music, the colors in a painting, or theposition ofa sprinter during a race. Analog signals are continuoussignals, while digital signals are discrete time signals.A digital signal is an analog signal that has been broken up intosteps.
  • Analog data can closely approximate digital data using asampling technique, which means measuring values of the analogsignal at regular intervals called samples.