Social Learning Theory

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    • The first assumption of social learning theory is that we can learn just by observing the behavior of others.
    • In which way is social learning theory different from the behavioral approach?
      It says that we can learn by observing someone else's behavior
    • How is the social learning theory similar to the behaviorist approach?
      They both agree that most behavior is learned due to this they are both considered learning approaches.
    • The first person to research Social Learning theory was Albert Bandura
    • What is observational learning?
      When we learn by observing and copying someone else's behaviour.
    • What is imitation?
      When someone copies someone else's behaviour
    • What is modelling?

      When someone performs a behaviour which is imitated.
    • What 2 factors effect Observational Learning?
      Identification and Vicarious reinforcement
    • When are people more likely to identify with the model?
      if they feel similar to the model
    • What does identification mean?
      People are more likely to imitate a model if they feel similar to them.
    • What is Vicarious Reinforcement?
      When someone imitates a model because they observe the model's behaviour being rewarded
    • What is Vicarious Punishment?
      When someone observes a model's behaviour being punished, and therefore they are less likely to imitate the behaviour.
    • what are the Mediational processes involved in imitation?
      Attention, Retention, Reproduction and Motivation
    • The Mental processes that determine whether or not we imitate a model's behaviour are called Mediational processes and the key assumption in the social learning theory is they are essential to observational learning.
    • In 1961, Bandura tested a laboratory experiment to determine whether children can learn by observing adults. His participants aged 3-6 sat in a room filled with toys including an inflatable clown doll, they were split into 3 groups, one watched adults model aggressive behavior toward the doll, one modelled friendly behaviour, and the final one had no model.
    • What did Banduea Et Al. 1961 find?
      • Children are more likely to act aggressively if they observe an adult modelling aggressive behaviour.
      • Boys were more likely to imitate behaviour if they observed a model of the same gender because they identify with them more.
    • What were Banduras additional findings?
      He performed an additional study to test the impacts of vicarious reinforcement, he found that the children were more likely to imitate a model's aggressive behavior if the model received a reward of sweets than if the model received a punishment.
    • What are the two strengths of Bandura's study?
      • High internal validity - lab experiment
      • Reliable results - consistent
    • What are to cons of Banduras research?
      • May lack ecological validity - behaviours may not generalise to real life
      • Ethical issues - lack of informed consent, psychological distress for the children, caused by observing adults being agressive.
    • What are the 4 Mediational processes?ARRM
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