
Subdecks (2)

Cards (150)

  • Biak-na-Bato Constitution:
    • Religious liberty, the right of association, freedom of education, freedom of the press, and freedom in the exercise of all classes of professions, arts, trades, and industries are established
  • Malolos Constitution:
    • Filipinos have the right to freely express ideas or opinions orally or in writing through the press or other similar means
    • The right of association for purposes of human life not contrary to public morals is guaranteed
    • The right to send petitions to authorities individually or collectively is protected
    • The right of petition should not be exercised through any armed force
  • 1935 Constitution:
    • No law shall be passed abridging the freedom of speech, press, or the right of the people to peaceably assemble and petition the Government for redress of grievances
  • 1973 Constitution:
    • No law shall be passed abridging the freedom of speech, press, or the right of the people to peaceably assemble and petition the Government for redress of grievances
  • 1986 Freedom Constitution:
    • Provisions of the 1973 Constitution related to National Territory, Citizenship, Bill of Rights, Duties and Obligations of Citizens, and Suffrage remain in force and effect and are adopted in toto as part of this Provisional Constitution
  • 1987 Constitution:
    • No law shall be passed abridging the freedom of speech, expression, or press, or the right of the people to peaceably assemble and petition the government for redress of grievances
  • Liberty is equated to freedom and is a fundamental right that an individual has
  • Liberty refers to being entitled to do something or think in a particular way without being coerced or prevented to do so by someone
  • The right to liberty, together with the right to life, is one of the most indispensable among human rights
  • Liberty involves not only curtailment of physical movement like detainment but also an individual’s right to make use of his capacities and potentials, intelligence, and ability to reason
  • The right to liberty includes a variety of rights such as freedom of movement, religious freedom, the right to form associations, and other related rights
  • Freedom of expression includes freedom of speech, press, assembly, and petition
  • Freedom of expression covers the freedom to communicate verbally or through any written form one’s viewpoint without fear as long as it does not infringe on what is legal and another people’s rights
  • Speech and expression include verbal pronouncements such as protests to convey one’s opinion regarding public matters
  • Press includes all forms of publications such as books, leaflets, newspapers, etc., and instruments of mass communication like television and radio
  • Right of assembly and right of petition
  • The right of assembly allows individuals to freely gather and express their ideas about public concerns without fear of being branded as causing trouble
  • The right of petition is the right of an individual or group to ask at any level of the government without fear of reprisal to correct a wrong, seek assistance, or file for redress of grievances
  • The right to assemble and petition complement the freedom of speech
  • Importance of the rights
  • Guaranteeing these rights will ensure the development of the country and the citizens
  • These rights make possible the examination of the actions of public figures and their plans and programs
  • Allowing people to express their views on government policies and programs will develop the citizen’s critical skills and potentials and provide feedback for the efficiency of government initiatives
  • These rights are subject to state regulation and may result in penalties when abused, such as defaming or harming another person’s reputation
  • Clear and present danger rule
  • Certain circumstances allow the forfeiture of the right to liberty, such as when the exercise of the right presents a degree of danger that would result in a considerable evil to society
  • The threat must be existent and at hand for the forfeiture to occur