
Subdecks (6)

Cards (65)

  • Drafting and finalization of the UNDHR
    Took three years until it was officially adopted with a majority vote by the UN member states on December 10, 1948
  • In 1986, The Commission on Human Rights was established under the watch of the Aquino administration
  • The 1987 Philippine Constitution enshrines the Bill of Rights in the Article III
  • Right
    An entitlement to something, whether to concepts like justice and due process or to ownership of property or some interest in property, real or personal
  • Rights
    Rules of interaction between people where restrictions and obligations upon the action of the state and individuals or groups are being observed and recognized. These are the fundamental normative rules and principles in accordance with the legal, social, and ethical system and standards.
  • Human rights
    Vital component of most modern democracies which allows every person to live with dignity and in peace, away from different kinds of abuses. Human rights belong to all and should be respected without prejudice.
  • Members of the United Nations (UN) adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) giving international recognition to all human rights laws
    December 10, 1948
  • The 1987 Philippine Constitution has specific provisions of the basic and fundamental rights called the "Bill of Rights," otherwise known as the Charter of Liberty
  • Bill of Rights
    A charter of liberties for the individual and a limitation upon the power of the State
  • The Bill of Rights does not concern itself with the relation between the private individual and another individual. It governs the relationship between the individual or group of individuals and the State. It cannot be invoked against acts of private individuals, being directed against the government and its law enforcement agencies as a limitation on official action
  • Classification of rights
    • Natural rights
    • Constitutional or Legal rights
    • Statutory rights
  • Natural rights
    Inherent and God-given rights to each and every individual in order for them to live a happy life. These rights cannot be denied by the government and cannot be sold, transferred, or removed.
  • Constitutional or Legal rights

    Rights conferred and protected by the Constitution which cannot be modified or taken away by the legislative body.
  • Statutory rights
    Rights conferred and promulgated by the legislative or the law-making body in which may also be abolished by the same body.
  • Classification of constitutional rights
    • Political rights
    • Civil rights
    • Social and Economic rights
    • Rights of the Accused
  • Political rights
    Rights which give the citizens the power to participate, directly or indirectly, in the establishment or administration of the government.
  • Civil rights
    Rights which the law enforces at the instance of private individuals for the purpose of securing to them the enjoyment of their means of happiness.
  • Social and Economic rights

    Rights intended to insure the well-being and economic security of each and every individual.
  • Rights of the Accused
    Rights intended for the protection of a person accused of any crime.
  • Importance and significance of human rights
    • Ensures the people that their basic needs are being met
    • Protects the vulnerable sectors or groups from any kind of abuse
    • Allows the people to stand up against corruption
    • Encourages the freedom of speech and expression
    • Gives the people the freedom to practice their religion
    • Allows the people to love who they chose
    • Encourages equal work opportunities
    • Gives people the access to education
    • Protects the environment
    • Provides a universal standard that holds government accountable
  • Human rights are universal, inalienable, indivisible, interconnected and non-discriminatory that continues to evolve according to the needs of the people, the government, and the community.
  • Human rights protect people from different kinds of abuse and are being recognized both local and international.
  • UDHR Articles
  • Sections of Bill of Rights