Right to Privacy

Cards (12)

  • Right to privacy
    A basic fundamental right of a person
  • Importance of right to privacy
    • It is important in the development and growth of a person because without it then a person cannot do whatever he or she wants if someone is always watching his or her move
    • It is about respecting individuals
    • It allows people to keep in private that information that he or she does not want to share
  • Never have we experienced this tremendous amount of information that we get from using the internet and social media
  • Information about us and other people can be easily found on the internet
    Poses a challenge to our privacy
  • Privacy
    Respecting personal boundaries among people and that there are times that they want to be "left alone" and the things that other people do are "none of our business"
  • Solove (2014): '"privacy is about respecting individuals"'
  • The 1987 Constitution of the Philippines guarantees the right to privacy
  • Article 3, Sec. 3 (1) of the 1987 Constitution
    The privacy of communication and correspondence shall be inviolable except upon lawful order of the court, or when public safety or order requires otherwise, as prescribed by law
  • Aspects of privacy guaranteed by the 1987 Constitution
    • Right to physical privacy
    • Freedom of speech and expression
    • Right to abode
    • Right to travel
  • The government is bound to protect and respect the privacy of all Filipino citizens regardless of their status and beliefs in life
  • Exceptions in invoking the right to privacy
    The State can still restrict the right to privacy of its citizens using such activities as "surveillance and censorship" when they are prescribed by law and that its restriction is necessary to the aims pursued
  • Exceptions to the right to privacy
    • The State through its law enforcement agency can search for a specific place, provided they have a legal, valid and specific "search warrant"
    • The State can curtail the right to privacy of communication and correspondence upon lawful order of the court, or when public safety or order requires otherwise as prescribed by law
    • The State can curtail the freedom of expression if it endangers the lives of other people
    • The State can regulate the right to change abode or residence and to travel to any places or countries in the world in the form of passports and visas or curtail it by using valid court orders stating travel ban