Right to Due Process of Law

Cards (11)

  • Due process
    Fairness under the law
  • Due process
    • A law should hear before it condemns, proceeds upon inquiry, and renders judgement only after trial
  • Equal protection of the laws
    Legislations should be universal in application to all individuals, without regard to any difference in race, color, or nationality
  • Two aspects of due process
    • Substantive due process
    • Procedural due process
  • Substantive due process
    The law itself is not biased, discriminatory, or unfair
  • Procedural due process
    How a law is implemented and enforced
  • An indispensable requisite of procedural due process is the requirement of notice and hearing
  • Non-reading of the Miranda Rights is an example of procedural due process violation
  • A person can be deprived of life, liberty, or property if due process is implemented
  • A law is considered valid when it is reasonable in its application, not contrary to the constitution, and within the power of the legislative to enact
  • "A law should hear before it condemns, proceeds upon inquiry, and renders judgement only after trial" is a principle under the right to due process of law