Right to Liberty

Cards (18)

  • Liberty
    Freedom, a fundamental right of an individual
  • Aspects of liberty covered by the Bill of Rights
    • Freedom of speech
    • Freedom of expression
    • Freedom of the press
    • Right to assembly
    • Right to petition
  • Freedom of speech, expression, and press
    • Covers verbal pronouncements, protests, publications, mass media
    • Allows communication of viewpoints without fear of reprisal as long as it does not infringe on legal and others' rights
  • Right of assembly
    • Allows individuals to freely gather and express ideas about public concerns without fear of being branded as troublemakers
  • Right of petition
    • Allows individuals or groups to ask the government to correct a wrong, seek assistance, or file for redress of grievances without fear of reprisal
  • The rights are not unlimited and are subject to regulation by the state
  • Clear and present danger rule
    Allows forfeiture of right to liberty if exercise of right presents a degree of danger which would result in a considerable evil to society and the threat is existent and at hand
  • When analysing markets, a range of assumptions are made about the rationality of economic agents involved in the transactions
  • The Wealth of Nations was written
  • Rational
    (in classical economic theory) economic agents are able to consider the outcome of their choices and recognise the net benefits of each one
  • Rational agents will select the choice which presents the highest benefits
  • Consumers act rationally by

    Maximising their utility
  • Producers act rationally by

    Selling goods/services in a way that maximises their profits
  • Workers act rationally by

    Balancing welfare at work with consideration of both pay and benefits
  • Governments act rationally by

    Placing the interests of the people they serve first in order to maximise their welfare
  • Rationality in classical economic theory is a flawed assumption as people usually don't act rationally
  • Marginal utility

    The additional utility (satisfaction) gained from the consumption of an additional product
  • If you add up marginal utility for each unit you get total utility