Requirements Modeling - Fact-finding to describe the current system and requirement for new system
Data and Process Modeling - Graphically represent system data and process
Object Modeling - Create objects to represent things, transaction and events.
Development Strategies - Software Trends, development, alternatives, outsourcing, etc.
Two Systems Analysis Skills
Strong Analytical Skills
Interpersonal Skills
Object - This is to deliver the best possible system at the lowest possible cost in the shortest possible time.
Joint Application Development - Brings users into the development and design process as active participants.
Rapid Application Development - Uses a condensed version of the system development life cycle.
Rapid Application Development - It produces new system and use a group approach like JAD
Requirements Planning - The team agrees on business need, project scope, constraints, and system requirements. And management authorization to continue is obtained.
User Design - Users interact with analysts to develop models and prototype, a combination of JAD and CASE tools are used. Users understand modify and approve a working model.
Construction - users can suggest changes as screen or reports are developed.
Cutover - it includes data conversion, testing, changeover to the new system, and user training.
Agile Method - It is the stress intense interaction between developers and users.
Agile Methods - It attempt to develop a system incrementally, by building a series of prototypes and constantly adjusting them to user requirements.
Scrum - A rugby term.
Pigs includes; product owner, facilitator, development team.
Chickens includes; users,stakeholders, managers
Scrum Sessions - It have a specific guideline that emphasize time blocks, interaction, and team-based activities that result in deliverable software.
Modeling Tools and Techniques - It involves graphical methods and nontechnical language that represent the system at various stages of development.
Function Decomposition Diagrams - It is a top-down representation of a function or process.
Business Process Model - Swim lane.
Data Flow Diagram - It shows how the system stores, processes, and transforms data.
Use Case Diagrams -Interaction between users and the system.
Sequence Diagrams - Shows the timing of interactions between objects as they occur.
Five System Requirements Checklist
Output Example
Input Example
Process Example
Performance Example
Control Example
Scalability - A system's ability to handle increased business volume and transactions in the future.
Total Cost of Ownership - It is important if the development team is evaluating several alternative and one problem of it is cost estimates tend to understate indirect costs.
Zachman Framework - It helps managers and users understand the model an assures that overall business goals translate into successful IT projects.
Steps of Interview:
Determine the people to interview
Establish objectives for the interview
Develop interview questions
Prepare for the interview
Conduct the interview
Document the interview
Evaluate the interview
Other Fact-finding Techniques
Document Review
Questionnairesand Surveys
Document Review - It review the old and current form and documentation
Observation - Seeing the system in action gives you additional perspective and a better understanding of the system procedures.
Questionnaires and Surveys - Most important rules of all is to make sure that your questions collect the right data in a form that you can use to further your fact-finding; fill in form.
Sample - It ensure that it represents the overall population accurately
Three types of Sampling
Research - It include internet, magazines, and books to obtain background information.
Construction - Program and application development.