Cards (9)

  • A curved mirror is a reflecting surface in which its surface is a section of sphere. A spoon is a kind of curved mirror.
  • Two Kinds of Spherical Mirros 1. Concave Mirror 2. Convex Mirror
  • Center of Curvature (C)- it is the center of the sphere of which the mirror is part. Its distance from the mirror is known as the radius
  • VERTEX(V)- It is the center of the mirror
  • Focal Point/Focus (F)- It is the point between the center or curvature and vertex. Its distance from the mirror is know as the focal length (f)
  • concave mirror- converging mirror
  • convex mirror- diverging mirror
  • PA- principal axis
  • Ray diagramming is used in the graphical method of locating the image