
Cards (15)

  • Four major types
    1. Epithelial
    2. Connective (many components)
    3. Muscle
    4. Nervous
    • Cells are closely packed without any intercellular spaces
    • Lie on basement membrane
  • General characteristics – EPITHELIAL TISSUES
    cover organs and the body
    line body cavities
    line hollow organs
    • have a free surface
    • have a basement membrane
    • avascular
    • cells readily divide
    • cells tightly packed
    • cells often have desmosomes
    • function in protection, secretion, absorption, and excretion
    • classified according to cell shape and number of cell layers
  • Simple squamous
    o single layer of flat cells
    o substances pass easily through
    o line air sacs
    o line blood vessels
    o line lymphatic vessels
  • Simple cubodial
    o single layer of cube-shaped cells
    o line kidney tubules
    o cover ovaries
    o line ducts of some glands
  • Simple columnar
    o single layer of elongated cells
    o nuclei usually near the basement
    o membrane at same level
    o sometimes possess cilia
    o sometimes possess microvilli
    o often have goblet cells
    o line uterus, stomach, intestines
  • Pseudostratified columnar
    o single layer of elongated cells
    o nuclei at two or more levels
    o appear striated
    o often have cilia
    o often have goblet cells
    o line respiratory passageways
  • Keratinised Squamous Epithelium (skin)
    • Found on dry surfaces subjected to wear and tear.
    • Consists of dead epithelial cells that have lost their nuclei and contain the protein keratin.
    • Sites
    • Skin, hairs and nails
  • Non-Keratinised Epithelium
    • Protects moist surfaces subjected to wear and tear and prevents them from drying out.
    • Sites
    • Conjunctiva of the eyes, the lining of the mouth, the vagina.
  • Stratified squamous
    • many cell layers
    • top cells are flat
    • can accumulate keratin
    • outer layer of skin
    • line oral cavity, vagina, and anal canal
  • Stratified cuboidal –
    • 2-3 layers
    • cube-shaped cells
    • line ducts of mammary glands, sweat glands, salivary glands, and the pancreas
  • Stratified columnar
    • top layer of elongated cells
    • cube-shaped cells in deeper layers
    • line part of male urethra and part of
  • Transitional
    • many cell layers
    • cube-shaped and elongated cells
    • line urinary bladder, ureters, and part of urethra
    • Composed of several layers of pear shaped cells which are very elasticn and have the capacity of dividing themselves.
    • Sites
    • Lines several parts of the urinary tract including the bladder.
    Serous (GI tract?)
    • line body cavities that do not open to the outside
    • reduce friction
    • inner lining of thorax and abdomen
    • cover organs of thorax and abdomen
    • secrete serous fluid
    • line tubes and organs that open to outside world
    • lining of mouth, nose, throat, etc.
    • secrete mucus
    • covers body
    • skin
    • composed entirely of skin connective tissue
    • lines joints