Simmel : moved away from ‘folk culture’ (community) —> ‘mass culture’ (individualistic)
Bourdieu : no such thing as low culture, elitist perspective
Klien : TNCs produce cultural goods consumed all over the world —> cultural homogeneity (everyone having the same culture)
Althusser : repressive state apparatus / ideological state apparatus as a form of social control
Biggs : old people presented as difficult / young people presented as innocent
McRobbie : magazines reinforce gender identity
Rutherford : men being objectified e.g chippendales
Sewell : boys masculinity influenced by popular culture e.g. buying expensive goods such as cars
Modood et al : cultural origins play a key role in socialisation of Asian culture
Hall : varied ethnic groups - not just white/black
Gilroy : hybrid identities based on mix of influences e.g. sexuality/nationality
Butler : media stereotyping of gender roles is so powerful —> difficult to avoid gender socialisation
Oakley : family teaches gender roles in 4 ways:
manipulation - encouraging behaviour normal to the gender, vice versa
canalisation - gendered toys
verbal appellation - gender specific terms (angel/monster)
different activities - ballet/football
Statham : even if parents purposefully avoid gender socialisation, social expectations are so powerful children will inevitably conform to their gender role
Bandura : children model their behaviour (copycat) based off role models on TV