
Cards (15)

  • Boas : cultures are different but equal, ideas either accepted or rejected.
  • Giddens : technology = globalisation —> global culture
  • Durkheim : collective conscience ( collective way if thinking )
  • Parsons and Durkheim : people learn shared cultural norms and values through socialisation
  • Oakley : process of socialisation begins with identification - children look for role models (usually same gender) , imitate these role models
  • Marx : religion = a set of beliefs that justifies the position and power of bourgeois
  • Merton : people learn how to behave in social situations by imitating someone they admire
  • Tajfel and Turner : identity = the way that humans attach themselves to others both emotionally and socially - along gender class and ethnicity
  • Lees : groups of people with similar age and backgrounds can exert peer group pressure on young people who want to fit the group
  • Derrida : society offers a variety of options and norms
  • Goffman : each social situation we experience = range of expected behaviours we must conform to
  • Foucault : social control = increasingly invisible as people are accepting it
  • Ritzer : low skilled work demands that workers follow a script e.g would you like a bag
  • Wilkinson : genderquake - gender roles change quick as cultural norms and values change
  • Connell : masculinity threatened, crisis of masculinity