
Cards (8)

  • Thermoregulation is the control of internal body temperature
  • Homeostasis refers to maintaining a stable internal environment within our body
  • Body temperature needs to be kept around 37 degrees Celsius for enzymes to function optimally
  • Thermoregulatory sensor in the hypothalamus acts as a thermostat for the body
  • Receptors throughout the body detect changes in body temperature, with many found in the skin and blood vessels
  • If the brain detects the body is too hot, it sends signals to cool down; if too cold, it brings about changes to warm up
  • To warm up:
    • Constrict blood vessels near the skin surface (vasoconstriction) to reduce heat loss
    • Contract erector muscles to trap insulating air and prevent heat loss
    • Shiver, which doesn't directly produce heat but requires energy, releasing heat as waste
  • To cool down:
    • Relax erector muscles to allow heat loss
    • Expand blood vessels near the skin surface (vasodilation) to transfer more heat to the surroundings
    • Produce sweat, which evaporates and takes heat energy away from the body, cooling us down