Cards (41)

    • HRM has a dual nature: supports the organization's strategy & represents and advocates for the employees.
    • Strategic HRM aligning HR policies & decisions with the organizational strategy and mission.
    1. Staffing
    2. Training and Development
    3. Motivation
    4. Maintenance
  • Staffing activities in HRM concerns with seeking and hiring qualified employees.
  • Recruiting => use accurate job descriptions to obtain an appropriate pool of applicants.
  • Selection => thin out pool of applicants to find the best choice.
  • Training and Development assists employees to develop up to date skills, knowledge, and abilities.
  • Staffing consists of:
    • Recruiting
    • Selection
  • Training and Development consists of:
    • Orientation
    • Employee Training
    • Employee Development
    • Organizational Development
    • Career Development
  • Orientation => teach the rules, regulations, goals, and culture of the company.
  • Employee Training => help employees acquire better skills for the job.
  • Employee Development => prepare employees for future position(s) in the company.
  • Organizational Development => help employees adapt to the company's changing strategic directions.
  • Career Development => provide necessary information and assessment in helping employees realize career goals.
  • Motivation activities in HRM concerned with helping employees exert at high energy level.
  • Motivation consists of:
    • Performance Appraisals
    • Rewards and Compensation
    • Employee Benefits
  • Performance Appraisals => standards for each employee; must provide feedback.
  • Rewards and Compensation => must be link between compensation and performance.
  • Employee Benefits => should coordinate with a pay-for-performance plan,
  • Maintenance activities in HRM concerned with maintaining employee's commitment and loyalty to the organization.
  • Maintenance consists of:
    • Safety and Health
    • Communications and Employee Relations
  • Safety and Health => caring for employees' well-being has a big effect on their commitment.
  • Communications and Employee Relations => keep employees well-informed of company doings, and provide a means of venting frustrations.
    1. Dynamic Environment
    2. Laws and Regulations
    3. Labor Unions
    4. Management Thought
  • Dynamic Environment involves with:
    • Globalization
    • Technology
    • Teams
    • Workforce Diversity
    • Employee Involvement
    • Changing Skill Requirements
    • Ethics
    • Continuous Improvement
  • Laws and Regulations
    • Legislation has an enormous effect on HRM
    • Laws protect employee rights to union representation, fair wages, family medical leave, and freedom from discrimination based on conditions unrelated to job performance.
  • Labor Unions
    • Assist workers in dealing with company management
    • Negotiate wages, hours, and other terms of employment
    • Promote and foster a grievance procedure between workers and management
  • Management Thought has early theories of management that promoted today's HRM operations:
    • Frederick Taylor
    • Hugo Munsterberg
    • Mary Parker Follet
    • Elton Mayo's Hawthorne Studies
  • Frederick Taylor => developed principles to enhance worker productivity.
  • Hugo Munsterberg => devised improvements to worker testing, training, evaluations, and efficiency.
  • Mary Parker Follet => advocated people-oriented organizations
  • Elton Mayo's Hawthorne Studies => dynamics of informal work groups have a bigger effect on worker performance than do wage incentives.
    1. Employment
    2. Training and Development
    3. Compensation and Benefits
    4. Employee Relations
  • Employment => promotes staffing activities, recruits new employees, but does not make hiring decision.
  • Training and Development => helps workers adapt to change in the company's external and internal environments.
  • Compensation and Benefits => pays employees and administers their benefits package.
  • Employee Relations => ensures open communication within the company by fostering top management commitment, upward and accurate communication, feedback, and effective information sources.
    • Assistants
    • HR Generalists
    • Specialists
    • Executives
  • Assistants => support other HR professionals
  • HR Generalists => position responsible for all or large number of HR functions in an organization.
  • Executives => report to top management and coordinate HR functions to organizational strategy.