Media language and political context

Cards (8)

  • What did The Times Newspaper report on in the 1st february 2022 edition?
    The Times newspaper reported on the scandal surrounding allegations of parties and social gatherings held by the Conservative Party during lockdown Christmas of 2020, attended by Prime Minister Boris Johnson.
  • when was The Times first published and who is it owned by?

    The newspaper is a British national 'quality' newspaper, published by Times Newspapers since 1981, a subsidiary of News UK, owned by News Corp, Rupert Murdoch's company.
  • what is The Times' political status?
    The newspaper adopts a more neutral position politically, with a right-wing allegiance, and supports the Conservative party at key times.
  • what is The Times famous for?
    having a wide range of journalists with varied political viewpoints which allows the newspaper to offer a more neutral and balaced political stance on some issues.
  • what other newspapers does the News Corp own?
    Sunday times, the sun, the sun on sunday, and previously owned news of the world
  • what did the 1/2/22 edition of the times cover?
    the report into the investigation into parties held at downing street during lockdown restrictions
  • when was the story first reported?
    november 2021
  • who led the enquiry and when was it published?
    Sue Gray
    january 2022