Physical Fitness

Cards (3)

  • Health related components of physical fitness:
    • Body composition: relative amount of muscle, fat, bone, and other vital parts of the body
    • Flexibility: range of motion in the body, ability to stretch, bend, and twist
    • Muscular endurance: ability of the muscle to continue to perform without fatigue
    • Muscular strength: ability of the muscle to exert force during an activity
    • Cardiovascular endurance: ability of the body’s circulatory and respiratory systems to supply fuel during sustained physical activity
  • Skill related components of physical fitness:
    • Agility: ability to move quickly and change direction in different levels
    • Balance: sense of equilibrium in the body, weight of the body rests in the center of gravity
    • Coordination: using body parts and senses together to produce smooth, efficient movement vital in sports
    • Reaction time: how quickly your brain responds to a stimulus and initiates a response
    • Power: performing a task quickly and forcibly
    • Speed: ability to reach a distance in the shortest period of time
  • Benefits of physical fitness:
    • Makes the body strong and healthy
    • Improves health and skill-related components of fitness
    • Helps the body adapt to different physical exertions/activities
    • Enables one to do different activities and still have reserve energy
    • Avoids cardio and respiratory illness
    • Helps the body to be in good shape
    • Makes the body more flexible and less susceptible to sickness