NM11 - 10 vocabs + everything

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Cards (38)

  • Noun: person, place, thing, idea, concept 
  • Proper Noun: usually capitalized, usually specific (ex. Adam) 
  • Common Noun: not capitalized (ex. Adam the farmer) 
  • Concrete Noun: person, place, thing (proved to exist through the 5 senses) 
  • Abstract Noun: idea, concept (ex. Christmas, democracy, love) 
  • Verb: action, state of being (ex. is, was, will, am) 
  • Adjective: describes/adds to or modifies a noun,  
  • Adverb: adds to or modifies a verb, usually ends in “ly” (ex. quick -> quickly) 
  • Preposition: when/where an action occurred in time, space, or location
  • Article: a way of letting the listener or speaker know that a noun is either unspecific or specific. - filler words such as “the, an, a”  
  • Quandary – noun 
    A difficult/decision; a practical dilemma. 
  • Loquacious – adjective 
    Tending to talk a great deal; overly talkative 
  • Perpetuate – verb 
    Make something (usually an undesirable idea) continue 
  • Meticulously – adverb 
    In a manner that is overly careful about small details 
  • Indoctrinate – verb 
    To teach someone to accept a view blindly or uncritically 
  • Emulate – verb 
    To match or surpass someone’s actions through intimidation 
  • Epiphany – noun (abstract) 
    A sudden or striking realization 
  • Perfunctory – adjective 
    In a routine way; without much thought or care  
    Three things that every complete sentence must have:  
    1. Subject (noun, ex. Walking is cool, nouns) 
    2. Verb (action/state of being) 
    3. A complete idea 

  • Noun + Verb = Clause 
    +Complete Idea = Independent Clause
    -Complete Idea = Dependent Clause 
    Subordinating Conjunction: turns independent into dependent  
    • A WHITE BUS = Although, While, However, If, Though, Even, Because, Unless, Since 
  • Complex A: independent and dependent 
                         (subject+verb+complete idea) (subordinating conjunction+subject+verb+complete idea) 
  • Reverse Complex A: dependent , independent 
           (subordinating conjunction+subject+verb+complete idea) , (subject+verb+complete idea) 
  • Complex B: independent 
         (subject , dependent using a relative pronoun , verb+complete idea) 
  • Relative Pronouns: refers to something already mentioned - who, which, whom, that. *always comma before word* 
  • Fragment words also known as subordinating conjunctions: when, before, during, because, as, despite the fact that 
  • Redundant – adjective 
    No longer needed or useful; excessive or too much. 
  • Simple B/Complex C: Subject (verb+ing or to+verb or whoever, whenever, wherever) + verb + complete idea 
  • Complicit – adjective 
    Indirectly involved with (often questionable) activities