The amount of atoms in a given space and how closely packed together they are.
Density Equation
Density = Mass/Volume
D (g/cm3)=M(g)/V(cm3)
Particle Arrangement in Solids
Very close together
Can't be compressed or squashed (usually)
Forces of attraction hold them together and in place
Arranged in a regular way
Vibrate around a fixed position
Low energy
Can't flow
Hotter the solid gets, the faster the particles vibrate -> Expansion
Particle Arrangement in Liquids
Arranged randomly
Very close together, touching many of their neighbours
Some gaps, but can't usually be compressed/squashed
Enough energy to break free of some of the forces of attraction
Can move around and over each other
Can flow/be poured
Particle Arrangement in gasses
Widely spaced
Randomly arranged
Easily compressed or squashed
Enough energy to overcome the forces of attraction
Free to move in any directions
Collide with each other as move in straight lines -> More energy
What happens to particles during a change of state?
The number of particles does not change during a change of state, only their spacing and arrangement. As a result, the total mass has not changed.
Energy Equation
Energy=Mass x Specific Latent Heat
E=m * L
Difference between specific Latent Heat and specific heat capacity
The energy required for a particular change in temperature is given by the specific heat capacity.
The energy required for a particular change in state is given by the specific latent heat.
Explain Internal Energy
Internal energy of a system or a body with well defined boundaries is the total of the kinetic energy due to the motion of molecules and the potential energy associated with the vibrational motion and electric energy of atoms within molecules. Internal energy also includes the energy in all the chemical bonds.
Density Required Practical (Irregular solids)
Measure the mass of the object using scales.
Fill a Eurekacan till it's just starting to overflow.
Place a measuringcylinder under the spout of the Eurekacan and place in the irregular solid, submerging it under the water. The displacement of water equals the volume.
Use the equation density = mass / volume to find the density and record your results.