Health is the state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO)
Health involves social, emotional, mental, and biological fitness resulting in adaptations from the environment
Common Meanings of Health for Everyday Use:
Negative Definition: Absence of disease or illness
Positive Definition: A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO)
Dimensions of Health:
Physical Health
Mental Health
Emotional Health
Social/Environmental Health
Spiritual Health
Holistic Health:
An approach that identifies components of health that function interdependently to influence an individual’s health
Well-being involving engaging in attitude and behavior that enhance quality of life and maximize personal potential
Wellness is a choice as "the constant, conscious pursuit of living life to its fullest potential"
Factors Affecting Health:
Illness is a personal state where the person feels unhealthy
Hereditary Factors: Family history for diseases like diabetes mellitus, hypertension, cancer
Behavioral Factors: Cigarette smoking, alcohol abuse, high animal fat intake
Environmental Factors: Overcrowding, poor sanitation, poor supply of potable water
Precursors of Illness - Schumann’sStages of Illness:
1. Symptom Experience:
Transition stage where the person believes something is wrong
Includes physical, cognitive, and emotional aspects
2. Assumption of Sick Role:
Acceptance of the illness and seeking advice and support
3. Medical Care:
Seeking advice of health professionals for validation, explanation of symptoms, reassurance
4. Dependent Patient Role:
The person becomes a patient dependent on health professionals for help
5. Recovery/Rehabilitation:
Involves adjustment to prolong reduction in health and functioning
An alteration in body functions resulting in a reduction of capacities or a shortening of the normal life span
Common Causes of Disease: Biological agents, Inherited Genetic Diseases, Developmental defects, Physical agents, Chemical agents, Tissue response to irritation, Metabolic process, Emotional/Physical reactions to stress
Classification of Disease:
According to Etiologic Factors: Hereditary, Congenital, Metabolic, Deficiency, Idiopathic, Degenerative, Iatrogenic
According to Duration or Onset: Acute illness, Chronic illness, Sub-acute
Disease Prevention: Leavell and Clark’s Agent (Host-Environment Model) with three levels of prevention: Primary Prevention, Secondary Prevention, Tertiary Prevention
Health Promotion Model: Individual Perceptions, Modifying Factors, Participation in Health