Dignity: the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect.
Human Dignity: Created in the image and likeness of God, all human life is sacred and all people have dignity. Human persons do not lose dignity because of gender, sexualorientation, disability, poverty, age, or race.
Bible is not one book, but a series of bookswritten by many authors over thousands of years.
The word "bible" comes from the Greek word "Biblos" which means "books
Inerrancy- the Bible contains eternaltruths that teach us about who weare and what it means to be in a relationship with God.
Inspiration - means that God inspired the authors of the books of the Bible to record the work of God in theirtime, and their ownlives.
Testament- witnessoragreement
Christian Scripture is divided into two Testaments: The oldTestament and The NewTestament
The Old Testament(HebrewScriptures): God’s agreement with the Hebrewpeople through Moses and the Hebrew people from the creation of the world.
The New Testament is the story of God’s promise of salvationfulfilled in the life, death, and resurrection of JesusChrist.
Ways to interpret the Bible: Textualist and Contextualist
Textualist = textonly, you just have to read the text
Contextualist = text and context. You must read the textalong with itscontext (history, culture, etc.)
The Hebrew Old Testament contains 39 books, divided into the books of theLaw, theProphets and theWritings.
Literal: This method consists of reading the text word for word and interpreting its meaning exactly as it is read
Contextual: This method consists of reading the text and identifying the history, culture, etc of the people writing the text to understand the text
When we read the Bible, we should not take everything that is read literally because the Bible was written by humans (and humans can make mistakes). We need to have faith that as we read, the Word of God will speak to us and help us interpret the deeper messages we are meant to understand in our lives.
The Bible = sacredscripture that discusses sacredtraditions/experiences revealed to us by God in humanterms
Different kinds of truth: Religious Truth, Moral and Proverbial Truth, Symbolic Truth, Historical Truth, Scientific Truth.
Religious Truth: Knowledge of God in the Bible
The Bible has recorded how humans have responded and failed to respond to God over the centuries.
Moral and Proverbial Truth: Using a variety of stories and proverbs (pieces of wisdom) the Bible teaches us what is right versus what is wrong.
Symbolic Truth: Using myths, allegories and parables the Bible teaches us the lessons that a person requires to live their lives in goodness.
Historical Truth: The Bible contains the most accuratehistory of the Hebrew people that we know. There are not many history books from this era.
Scientific Truth: The Bible reflects the scientificbeliefs of the varioustimes it was written.
Three types of history: Oral, written, and edited.
Oral History: Memorized and retold songs, stories and lesson.
Written History: The compilers selected the best of what was told and written.