
Cards (47)

  • Stylistics 
    is the study of the ways in which meaning is created through language., literature, and non- literature. Stylistics uses linguistic models, theories. And frameworks as analytical tools. It describes and explains the working of a text, and how meaning is created from the words on the page.
  • Stylistics focuses on the qualitative or quantitative analysis of language levels such as phonological, lexical, grammatical, semantic, pragmatic, and discourse features in a text
  • Stylistics is considered a linguistic approach to literature
  • Stylistics has expanded to include non-fictional forms like advertising, academic writing, news reports, as well as non-printed forms such as TV, photoshoot advertising, film, and multimodal publications
    • Stylistics is a branch of applied linguistics concerned with the study of style of texts, especially, but not exclusively, in literary works.
  • STYLISTICS It is also called literary linguistics since it focuses on the figures, tropes, and other rhetorical devices used to provide variety and a distinctness to someone’s writing.
    • Stylistics is a systematic way of exploring a literary text especially the language of a text and tries to explain how language creates meaning, style, and certain effect. The study of stylistics is considered as one of the significant tools to analyze literary piece from the point of view of language.
    • Stylistics is a method of text interpretation in which primary of place is assigned to language. (Simpson, 2004).
    • Is defined as the study of style used in literary and verbal language and the effect writer intends to convey to the reader or hearer. It aims at establishing principles which can explain the choices made by individual and social groups in their use of language , such a socialization, the production or reception of meaning, literary criticism, and critical discourse.
  • STYLISTICS Is defined as the study of style used in literary and verbal language and the effect writer intends to convey to the reader or hearer. It aims at establishing principles which can explain the choices made by individual and social groups in their use of language , such a socialization, the production or reception of meaning, literary criticism, and critical discourse.
  • STYLISTICS Has been defined as a sub-discipline of linguistics that is concerned with the systematic analysis of style in language and how this can vary according to such factors: genre, context, historical period, and author.
  • STYLISTICS Can also be defined as the study of language of literature which makes use of various tools of linguistic analysis as per the views of Simpson.
  • STYLISTICS Is a method of textual interpretation in which primacy of place is assigned to language since the various forms, patterns, and levels that constitute linguistics structure are an important index of the function of the text.
    • The general definition of stylistics is that it is the study of style of the writers or the literary artists.
    • According to lucas (1995) stylistics is the effective use of language in prose to make statements or evoke emotions.
  • STYLISTICS Can be also defined as the study of different styles that are present in the text or utterance of the character.
    • According to David crystal, stylistics is the study of certain aspects of language variations as a part of linguistics.
    • G. N. Leech , one of the renowned linguists, opines that stylistics is the linguistic approach to literature explaining the relation between language and its artistic function.
    • H.G. Widdowson says that stylistics involves both literary criticism and linguistics.
    • According to Thomas kane, stylistics is the study of linguistic choices the writer makes to express his/her thought and feeling in an effective way.
    • Stylistics can be also defined as the study of language deviations or the choice of language outside of the ranged of normal language.
    • stylistics may be defined as the study of language according to the situation of the circumstances.
  • The term is derived from the word of style which has several meanings.
    • Style in literature is called literary stylistics.
  • Stylistics is the systematic and scientific study of the language of literature.
  • stylistics It is applied to the study of language in literary and non-literary texts.
    • The basic framework of stylistics is borrowed from linguistics. As linguistics studies the relationship between the sound and meaning. Stylistics deals with the relationship between language of literature and meaning of literature.
    • Style and theme are connected in literature. Stylistic analysis focuses on the thematic aspects of literature by analyzing its language.
  • Stylistics is objective in the analysis of literature as it studies the literary text from the linguistic point of view.
    • Stylistics depends on systematic observation , classification, and description of the language of literature.
    • Style as a choice- in this, the writer makes certain choices of the words as an expression to describe the situations or the characters. The poets make use certain words or expressions to highlight his/her intensely felt emotions. 
    • Style as deviation- here, the writer /poet avoids the standard form of writing and makes use of deviations to sound stylistically significant. In other words, the writer does not conform to the standard form of writing. Thus, we can say the writer has a poetic license to break the rules of grammar. 
    • Style as Situation here, the situation is the context in which the text comes to life. The situation could be social, cultural, political, or pragmatic. We come to know the situation in a literary text via the style of the writer
    • Style as the temporal phenomenon- here the time factor plays an important role. When the writer wants to write a text, he/she must consider the time factor.
    • Style as individual- it is often said that man is known by his style. Every individual is unique in his style of speech and writing. There are some specific characteristic features associated with particular individual.
    • Stylistics Explores creativity in language use  doing stylistics enriches our ways of thinking about language and as observed, exploring language offers a substantial purchase on our understanding of literary text.
    • Stylistics tells us about the rules of language it allows us explore texts where those rules are bent, distended or stretched to breaking point. Interest in language is always at the fore in contemporary stylistic analysis which is why you should never undertake to do stylistics unless you are interested in language.
    • Stylistic analysis should be rigorous. it means that it should be based on an explicit framework of analysis. Stylistic analysis is not the product of disorganized sequence of impressionistic comments but instead, is underpinned by structures and models of language and discourse which explain how we process and understand various patterns in language.
    • Stylistic analysis should be retrievable. it means that the analysis is organized through explicit terms and criteria, the meanings of which are agreed upon by other students of stylistics. To retrieve the stylistic method used.
    • Stylistic analysis should be replicable. It simply means that the methods should be sufficiently transparent as to allow other stylisticians to verify them, either by testing them on the same text or by applying them beyond that text