a foundation that only considers a single reality, is unbiased, and is deductive (empirical observations + scientific reason)
a foundation that considers multiple realities, is biased, and inductive (descriptive human interaction + interpretation)
to analyze the varieddepictions of the same phenomenon
to balance the shortcomings of one method utilizing the supremacy of the other method
to validate the quality of conclusions derived from one type of study by checking it against mixed designs
to expand the findings derived from the first phase of the investigation
to utilize the initial phase of the investigation to develop the researchquestions, data sources or sampling decisions necessary for the later phase of the study
for achieving a holistic view of the phenomenon studied in the research by integrating findings from quantitative and qualitative investigation
to blend in two diverse but related responses to a single research question using both quantitative and qualitative approaches
7 Rationale for Adopting MMR
1. complementarity
2. completeness
3. development
4. expansion
5. corroboration/confirmation
6. compensation
7. diversity
Tashakkori and Newman (2010)
Seven frequently mentioned aims found for adopting mixed methods were specified by __________ and __________
absolute unity
pragmatism rejects the concept of _________ as researchers are urged to rely on various approaches for data collection and analysis instead of just qualitative and quantitative
in this view, we acknowledge something as factual if it can be applied in a practical setting
inspires to look for the way outs and actions that guide us to reach our desired goal
considers the rationality of ideas by their results when put into practice/real life
meaning works or deeds
Cherryholmes (1992), Morgan (2007) and Creswell (2014)
regarded pragmatism as the philosophical foundation for mixed methods research
also known as experimentalism
mixed methods
"the collection, analysis, and integration of quantitative and qualitative data in a single or multiphase study"
mixed methods
follows the philosophical view of pragmatism
Bryman and Tashakkori & Teddlie
said that the contemporary writings mostly use mixed methods as a term to refer to both qualitative and quantitative methods
mixed methods
various expressions are in use for this approach, such as "integrating, synthesis, quantitative and qualitative methods, multimethod, and mixed methodology" but in contemporary writings the commonly used term is __________
can produce more reliable data as it provides a more holistic understanding of a study
both qualitative and quantitative data provide a better understanding of your research problem
its questions must be measurable
generally attempts to quantity variables of interest
"what are the factors that influence a graduate students' experience in an online research methods course?"
said that "there are times we wish to know not how many or how well, but simply how"
"there are times we wish to know not how many or how well, but simply how" applies to ______ research