Article VI of 1987 Philippine Constitution states that the Legislative power shall be vested in the Congress of the Philippines consisting of a Senate and a House of Representatives
The Philippine Congress has 2 chambers: Senate (upper house) and House of Representatives (lower house)
Senate has a Senate President and 24 senators
House of Representatives has a Speaker of the House and not more than 250 representatives
Legislative Powers of Congress: propose, enact, amend, repeal statutes
Article VIII of 1987 Philippine Constitution states that the judicial power shall be vested in one Supreme Court and lower courts as may be established by law
Judicial power includes settling actual controversies and determining grave abuse of discretion by any branch of the government
Supreme Court is the only constitutional court in the Philippines, headed by a Chief Justice with 14 Associate Justices
Judicial review is used to test the validity of executive and legislative acts for conformity with the Constitution
Board members may be removed by the President of the Philippines for neglect of duty, incompetency, malpractice, or unprofessional, unethical, immoral, or dishonorable conduct
President has the power to suspend a member under investigation and appoint a temporary member
Repealing Clause: All laws, decrees, executive orders, rules, and regulations inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed, amended, or modified accordingly
Separability Clause: If a part of the statute is judicially declared as unconstitutional, the other portions of the statute are not affected and are still in force and effect
Date of Effectivity: Specifies the date when the law will take effect or after 15 days following its publication in the Official Gazette or a newspaper of national circulation