Fluorometry measures the fluorescence or the energy emission that occurs when a certain compound absorbs electromagnetic radiation, becomes excited, and then returns to an energy state that is usually higher than their original level
It is the production of light from a chemical reaction
Reactions are oxidation reactions of luminol, acridinium esters, and dioxetanes characterized by a rapid increase in intensity of emitted light followed by a gradual decay
The excitation of the substance does not involve electromagnetic radiation and no monochromators are needed, instead the excitation energy comes from a chemical or electrochemical reaction
Light signal is measured against a completely dark background
1. Light source: Mercury vapor lamp or xenon arc lamp
2. Excitation/Primary Monochromator selects the wavelength that is best absorbed by the solution to be measured
3. Cuvette
4. Emission/Secondary Monochromator filters out fluorescence from stray light radiation and is positioned at a right angle from the cuvette to eliminate potential interference from the excitation light
Advantages: Increased sensitivity (1000x more sensitive than spectrophotometric methods), Emitted radiation is measured directly, Increased specificity by selecting the optimal wavelength for both absorption and fluorescence
Disadvantages: Very sensitive to environmental changes, Quenching- quick disappearance of fluorescence, Changes in pH affect electron availability, Temperature changes the probability of loss of energy, Contaminating chemicals or a change of solvent may change the structure, UV light used for excitation can cause photochemical changes
1. The excitation of the substance does not involve electromagnetic radiation and no monochromators are needed, instead the excitation energy comes from a chemical or electrochemical reaction
2. Light signal is measured against a completely dark background
Is an analytical technique commonly used for separating a mixture of chemical substances into its individual components, so that the individual components can be thoroughly analyzed