History 213

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  • Lorenzo Valla (1405-1457) - annotated the Old Testament and corrected the Donation of Constantine
  • Johannes Gutenberg (1394-1468) - creation of the printing press 
  • Erastmas of Rotterdam (1466-1536) Published the New Testament in greek and Latin 
  • Luther and his 95 thesis: 1517
  • Diet of Worms: 1521
  • Ulrich von Hutten (1488-1523) knight that fought for the Protestant cause
  • The duke of saxony: Fredrick the wise, hides Luther after the Diet of worms in Wittenburg
  • Luther bible: written in german in 1522
  • 1525: Sebastian and Christoph write the 12 articles for the peasants rebellion
  • the 12 articals call for reforms of the election of preachers, land ownership and sharing, death tax, and use the bible to justify their cause
  • Charles Muntzer: a radical wanting reforms in government, believed and lead part of the peasants reformation