Go billy korean chap 5

Cards (13)

  • 씨 is used in Korean to replace "Mr.," "Mrs.," or "Miss" and is placed after a person's name
  • It is acceptable to place 씨 after a person's last name if you don't know their first name
  • A more common and recommended usage of 씨 is with first names
  • It is also acceptable to refer to someone by their full name with 씨 attached
  • In Korean, calling someone by only their first name (without 씨) is only acceptable in casual situations with close friends
  • should not be added when saying your own name
  • To conjugate a verb to the present tense in Korean, take the verb stem and attach ㅂ니다 if it ends in a vowel, or attach 습니다 if it ends in a consonant
  • Verb stems that end in ㄹ are an exception and the ㄹ is removed after getting the verb stem
  • Examples of conjugating verbs to the present tense:
    • 가다갑니다
    • 하다합니다
    • 먹다먹습니다
    • 받다받습니다
    • 오다옵니다
    • 죽다죽습니다
    • 놀다 → 놉니다
    • 벌다법니다
  • is a particle in Korean that can mean "to," "at," or "in," but in this context, it focuses on the meaning of "to" a location
  • Examples of using 에:
    • 저는 병원에 갑니다 → "I go to the hospital"
    • 저는 영화관에 갑니다 → "I go to the movie theater"
  • Verbs in Korean can be a combination of a noun and the verb 하다, such as 공부() 하다 which means "to study"
  • 놀다 can translate as "to play" or "to hang out" and is commonly used in Korean for various activities