While drugs can be classified in several different ways, grouping them according to their therapeutic use is most helpful to the healthcare professional.
Drugs that affect the body in similar ways are listed in the same classification.
Drugs that have several types of therapeutic effects fit under several classifications ex aspirin.
model example, a drug that typifies the characteristics of that classification.
each time you learn of a new drug, you will associate the prototype and its characteristics with the new drug, based on its classification.
Identifying Names
Generic Name/Generic Terminology - identification of drugs & medicines by their scientifically & internationally recognized active ingredients or by their official generic name as determined by the Bureau of Food and Drugs of DOH.
Brand Name - proprietary name given by the manufacturer to distinguish its product from those of competitors.
Chemical Name - description of the chemical structure of the drug or medicine; serves as the complete identification of a compound.
Official Name - drug name as it appears in the official reference; generally the same as the generic name.
Legal Terms Referring to Drugs
OTC. Over the counter; no purchasing restrictions.
Legend drug. Prescription drug; determined unsafe for over-the counter purchase because of possible harmful side effects if taken indiscriminately ex. birth control pills, antibiotics, cardiac drugs, & hormones.
Controlled substance. Drugs controlled by prescription requirement because of the danger of addiction or abuse.