Unit 1: Diversity with Life

Cards (210)

  • Autotrophs get energy from the sun and inorganic compounds.
  • Heterotrophs get energy by breaking down organic compounds from other living things.
  • A colonial organism is a colony of small close to identical individuals functioning together like a multi-cell organism, like green algae.
  • Growth happens by cells in an organism taking in nutrients and getting bigger or cell division.
  • Sexual reproduction makes new organisms with genetic info from 2 parents.
  • Asexual reproduction makes a new organism from just one parent and is essentially a clone.
  • Organelles are parts of a cell performing different functions.
  • Organisms have to maintain the conditions of cells in their bodies to maintain an internal balance called homeostasis.
  • Living things respond to stimuli in their environments.
  • Populations will change to adapt to the environment.
  • Characteristics that help organisms live are passed onto offspring- this is natural selection.
  • Species are a group of organisms interbreeding in nature and creating fertile offspring.
  • Biological species concept defines a species on whether or not two organisms can succesfully breed.
  • Morphological species concept defines a species based on morphology- shape, size, and more features.
  • Phylogenetic species concept defines a species based off the evolutionary history of organisms, or phylogeny.
  • Taxonomy is the science of identifying and classifying a living thing.
  • Taxonomy groups species according to their characteristics and into category.
  • Taxonomy groups are; Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species.
  • Ranks is a classification scheme such as phylum or order.
  • Taxon is a named group of organisms.
  • Binomial nomenclature is a formal naming system. The first part, genus name, identifies the group and the second part is the species name.
  • Evolution is the theory describing changes in species over time and their shared ancestry.
  • Anatomical is the study of an organisms structure.
  • Physiology is the function of the organism.
  • DNA, in relationships, can be genetically anaylized to indicate one.
  • DNA barcoding is a technology which creates a DNA profile of species.
  • DNA barcoding was created by Paul Herbert at Guelph 2010 with 66,000 o species so far.
  • Classification within taxa or levels is based on most common ancestors.
  • A phylogenic tree or cladograms shows evolutionary relationships between species and groups.
  • Branches in a cladogram reveals evolutionary relationships with a species on the tip.
  • Nodes represent a common ancestor.
  • What is a branch?
    Branches represent an evolutionary relationship.
  • The three domains are bacteria, archaea, and eukarya.
  • Bacteria and archaea are considered prokaryotes with no nucleus, one cell, and no membrane bound organelles.
  • The endosymbiotic theory explains how eukaryotic cells evolved.
  • Eukaryotic cells evolved by a larger cell engulfing small cells which would eventually become organelles.
  • Evidence of endosymbiotic theory is the mitochondria and chloroplasts with genes resembling prokaryotes and circular DNAs.
  • The six kingdoms are animalia, plantae, fungi, protista, eubacteria, nd archaebacteria.
  • Dichotomus keys are questions with only two possible answers to help identify species.
  • An example of bacteria is staphylococcus. It is prokaryote with peptidoglycan for cell wall and is asexual. Bacteria can be auto or hetro.