DNA sequencing

Cards (11)

  • DNA sequencing is where you understand and map the order of bases in a DNA molecule.
  • What is a terminator nucleotide?
    • Modified so that phosphodiester bonds cannot be formed.
    • It can bind to the next nucleotide in the chain but it won’t let others bind after it has. This means DNA synthesis is stopped.
  • DNA sequencing principles:
    1. Separate the DNA you want sequenced into four tubes
    2. Each tube contains DNA polymerase, an excess of free nucleotides, some primer.
    3. In one tube you put a low concentration of radioactively labelled terminator base A, in the next you put radioactively labelled terminator base G etc etc.
    4. Run the reaction like PCR.
    5. Do gel electrophoresis to separate the fragments by size.
  • DNA sequencing principles:
    • Incorporation of nucleotides is random.
    • This means there will be lots of fragments ending with a A in the first tube. Lots ending with G in the second etc.
    • If the length of the fragment is known (by gel electrophoresis) then you can estimate the location of the bases in the sequence.
  • Modern innovations:
    • Computers and computing power.
    • Use UV fluorescing tags rather than radioactive tags and X-rays
    • Capillary sequencing is used rather than gel electrophoresis.
  • Modern innovations:
    • Massive parallel sequencing or next generation sequencing updates the process further by conducting all the PCR and imaging on one slide called a flow cell.   
  • Phylogeny = evolutionary history of an organism.
    • DNA sequencing allows us to map evolutionary relationships between organisms.
    • It can also indicate how long ago they diverged.
  • Classification
    • New organisms can be classified more easily and added to a common database.
    • Food testing – check the food is what the packet says it is.
    • Captive breeding – match animals with genetically different partners to increase genetic diversity. The converse would allow inbreeding.
    • In medicine you can map the genome of a human and look for patterns between diseases and specific base sequences. E.g.
    • The gene responsible for DMD (muscular dystrophy) was found in 1986.
    • If you have the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutation you are more likely to get breast cancer
  • Mapping the genome of pathogens allows you to know how fast it is mutating, what those mutations mean for virulence and transmissibility and therefore what counter measures you should take.
  • Why DNA sequencing doesn’t provide all the answers…
    • Most traits are polygenic.
    • Epigenetics plays a large role in expression of a gene e.g. spliceosomes.
    • There is not a 1:1 ratio between genes and the proteins they produce