Unilineal Evolutionism: the idea that all societies have to go through a series of stages to reach civilization. From most primitive to most civilized (evolutionary scale)
C.J Thomsen’s “Three-Age System”
Stone Age
Bronze Age
Iron Age
Lewis Henry Morgan’s “Ethical Stages”
What is an example of a line drawn between barbarism and civilization according to Lewis Morgan?
The invention of phonetic alphabet
Structural Functionalism: the idea that all societies function as organisms; that they have different subdivisions and different functions and are tied together through economic, political, and religious institutions.
What is the focus of structural functionalism?
how a particular part of the society function/work with the other parts
What did structural functionalism lead to?
the treatment of social groups as static and homogenous and the overlooking of potential of agency on individuals
Historical Particularism: the idea that each culture needs to be understood as a product of its own unique history.
Why was historical Particularism developed?
in response to and as a challenge to unilineal evolutionism
What did historical particularism lead to?
the development of the ideal of cultural relativism
Historical Particularism:
societies often develop the similar forms of social organization through different and varied historical trajectories.