"The care of the common good is entrusted to a persons of rank having public authority" Summa theologica
"can lawfully put evildoers to death" Summa Theologica
capital punishment is legitimate but not the responsibility of individuals as that can lead to out of hand revenge
Capital punishment can only be carried out by someone appointed by the state
"God authorised the Israelites to kill their enemies" Bible
Aquinas would argue it is okay to kill if the person is a danger to society
Aquinas would argue execution can act as deterrence
Roman catholic church supports capital punishment: "The teaching of the church does not exclude recourse to the death penalty"
Church of England supports the death penalty: "Total exclusion of capital punishment would weaken the church's view of war and the legitimate killing of the wicked"
"whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed" - Genesis 9:6