standard growth curves

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    • A closed culture is a culture where nutrients are not replaced.
    • Toxic by-products of metabolic processes or death build up until the conditions are such that microorganisms can no longer survive
    • The typical population growth curve seen in a closed culture.
    • A logarithmic scale is used because of the huge difference in initial numbers and total population.
    • Lag phase = Slow growth. Not all bacteria reproducing.
    • Log phase = Exponential growth. Without limiting factors bacteria are doubling at the maximum rate.
    • Stationary phase = Waste build up is killing bacteria but those that die are replaced evenly.
    • Death phase = Waste build up makes conditions unviable. All bacteria eventually die.
    • Log numbers tell us what exponent (or power) is needed to make a certain number
    • Common log = Log-10
    • Natural log = Log-e (appears on your calculator as ln)
    • Bacterial growth is often rapid. Bacteria divide by binary fission which means the population can double every generation
    • We can use the equation N = N0 x 2n
    • Where N is the population number
    • Where n is the number of generations
    • Where N0 is the initial number of bacteria.