'look like the innocentflower but be serpent under it'
'thane of fife had a wife, where is she now' - Lady macbeth questioning where Lady macduff is
'unsex me here, and fill me from the crown to the toes top full of direst cruelty'
'out damned spot'
'all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand'
'fair is foul and foul is fair, hover through the fog and filthy air'
'stars, hide your fires , let not light see my black and deep desires'
'o valiant cousin, worthy gentleman'
'speak, I charge you' - Macbeth to witches, lack of self control. Argues against supernatural powers
'there's handsbandy in heaven ; their candles are all out' - Banquo, religious imagery , dark imagery. Connotes to Banquo's death
'Macbeth shall sleep no more' - Macbeth hears voices chanting 'sleep no more' ; Macbeth accepting that sleep is dangerous
'Beware Macduff' - First apparition - possible threat of Macduff
'when you durst do it, then you were a man'
'None of woman born shall harmMacbeth' - Bloody child, second apparition, comforts macbeth. Macduff is born from cesarean. Macbeth does not know this, finds out on his death scene.
'o full scorpions is my mind' - Macbeth, the fact banquo and fleance still live is like a sting of a scorpion
' it is toofull of the milk of humankindness'
'had he not resembled, my father as he slept, I had done't' - LM referring to duncan, she would've killed him but when Duncan was sleeping it reminds her of her father
'will all great neptune's oceans wash the blood clean from my hands'
'all hail, Macbeth that shall be King hereafter' - witches, macbeth trusts the supernatural
'And dash the brains out' - Lady macbeth, she would kill her own baby, hence the theme of the play, tragedy
'l could not say amen' - Macbeth acknowledging his guilt. Regicide he has killed a God appointed king, Jacobean chain of being, guilt
'it is a tale told by an idiot signifying nothing'
'Tomorrow, and tomorrow and tomorrow' - macbeth after finding out lady macbeth died
'enter the ghost of Banquo and sits in Macbeth's place' - Banquo
'or have we eaten on the insane root' - Banquo, he is sceptical of the witches
'lesser then Macbeth, and greater' - Banquo
'lest our robes sit easier than our new' - Macduff has a bleak perception of future of scotland
'thy hope ends here' - macduff, macbeth is a tyrant and no hope for him
'he is noble, wise, judicious' - ross defending macduff
'wisdom? to leave his wife, to leave his babes'
'what, all my pretty chickens and their dam at one fell swoop?' - Macduff about his family's murder
'macduff, this noble passion, thy goodtruth and honour'
'stay, you imperfectspeakers. Tell me more' - Macbeth to the witches
'to be thus is nothing, but to be safe thus' - macbeth feeling threatened by banquo