Cards (23)

  • Reliability degree to which a measurement is consistent
  • validity measures what is design to measure
  • standardization a certain set of standards or norms is determined for a technique to make it our consistent.
  • clinical interview core of most clinical work
  • the mental status the systematic observation of an individuals behavior
  • Appearance and behavior overt physical behavior
  • thought process clinicians listen to a patient tlak, getting idea of persons thought process
  • mood and affect important part of mental status exam
  • mood predominant feeling state of the individual
  • affect feeling state that accompanies what we say at a given point
  • intellectual functioning make a rough estimat of intelligence that is noticeable only if it deviates drom normal
  • sensorium refers to our general awareness of our surrounding
  • semistructure clinical interview questions that have been carefully phrased and tested to elicit useful information. you can add follow up questions.
  • hypothesis educated guess or statement to be supported by data
  • research design plan for teting the hypothesis
  • dependent variable phenomenon that is measured and is expected to change
  • indepedent variable the aspect manipulated or thought influence the change
  • internal validity the result of the study can be attributed to the independent variable
  • external validity the result of the study can be generalized or applied outside the immediate study
  • confound any factors occuring in the study that makes the result unpredictable
  • randomization assigning people to different research
  • analog models create in the controlled conditions of the laboratory aspect that are comparable.
  • generalizability results to apply to everyone in a certain population