Repentance - Flagellantswhipped themselves publicly to show God they were sorry hoping to be cured.
Pilgrimage - going to holyshrines were the remains of saints were contained to seek healing.
Prayer - disease was believed to have been a punishment from God.
Bloodletting - leeches or small cuts were used to remove blood and balance the 4 humours.
Purging - prescribing laxatives to balance the 4 humours
Air Purifying - carrying around flowers or fruits to prevent miasma.
Remedies - medicines made from herbs, spices, animal parts and minerals sold by apothecaries.
Lucky Charms - carry around charms with 'magical' ingredients'.
Superstitious Treatments - doctors would say specificwords during treatment to make it more effective.
Many were treated at home by women relatives. There were few hospitals and most of them were run by monasteries and were highly regarded. Hospitals focussed on caring for the ill and elderly not treating them only some basic treatments were used e.g. herbs and sources in medical books