
Cards (13)

  • what is migration?
    a person who moves from one place to another, to live or work
  • rural to urban migration
    the movement from one place to a city
  • international migration
    the movement of people from one country to another
  • push factor
    human characteristics of an area that push people away
  • pull factors
    human characteristics of an area that pull people in
  • immigrants
    a person who arrives in a country to live and work
  • asylum seekers
    people who are forced to leave their home country because of danger to seek safety in another country
  • multicultural society
    when people from different backgrounds, ethic, groups, religions, languages and customs, live and work together
  • push factors
    political fears
    not enough jobs
    few opportunities
    natural disasters
    unhappy life
    shortage of food
  • pull factors
    better ways of life
    chances of jobs
    improved living conditions
    better housing
    medical care
    family links
  • why is the UK a country of mixed races?
    1. large groups are part of the British Empire, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan
    2. people were invited in to the country after the war to fill job vacancies
    3. 1 million people moved for these job opportunities
    4. those people had their own families and became UK citizens
  • arguments against migrants
    stay in their country and help it get rich
    too much people in the UK
    cause problems
    they use health and social services
    wont change way of life
    take jobs
  • arguments for migrants
    highly trained and very useful
    the UK needs young and skilled workers
    willing to work long hours for little pay
    they do the jobs that people don't want to do
    help the country to be prosperous
    many are doctors and nurses which health services need