Religion - Nature worship, religious rites, sacred games, ritual dances, sacrifices. Their gods live in nature, mountains, assumed human form and was not free from human weakness
Greek Architecture
Geography and Geology Mainland:
mountainous hinterlands separated inhabitants into groups, clans, and states Archipelago and islands: sea was the inevitable means of trade and communication
Greek Architecture
Climate Between rigorous cold and relaxing heat Clear atmosphere and intense light
Greek Architecture
it is a wall that has large stones, no mortar, clay bedding
Cyclopean wall
It is a wall that is advanced technique, Hellenic period, no pith or tar
Polygonal wall
It is a wall that has no dowels.
Rectangular Wall
Cyclopean wall
Single-storeyed house of deep plan, columned entrance porch, anteroom with central doorway, living apartment or megaron proper, central hearth, columns supporting roof , thalamus, or sleeping room behind
A sacred enclosure, sanctuary, or sacred precinct at an established cult centre, sometimes it incorporates many buildings