Plate Tectonics

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  • The 2 types of crusts
    Oceanic - Carries the ocean and is thinner and more dense
    Continental - Carries land and is thicker and less dense
  • Driving forces behind plate tectonics
    1. Plasticity in upper mantle
    2. Convection currents in asthenosphere
  • 3 types of plate boundaries
    Divergent - Tension
    Convergent - Compression
    Transform - Shear
  • Basic Convergent Info
    1. Occurs when 2 plates move towards each other
    2. Can cause subduction of crust
    3. Can be where crust is destroyed
  • Basic Divergent Info
    1. Also known as, “Spreading boundaries.”
    2. The plates are moving away from each other
    3. Can be where crust is created
  • Basic Transform Info
    When 2 tectonic plates slide along each other causing earthquakes
  • Oceanic - Oceanic Convergent
    1. Crust is destroyed
    2. One plate is subducted under the other
    3. Trenches and volcanic islands are formed
    Example : Mariana Trench
  • Continental - Continental Convergent
    1. Crust is neither created nor destroyed
    2. Two continental plates come together and both get pushed upwards
    3. Creates folded mountains
    Example : Himalayan Mountains
  • Continental - Oceanic Convergent
    1. Crust is destroyed
    2. Plates come together and the more dense plate (Oceanic) is subducted
    3. Trenches and Volcanic Mountains formed
    Example : The Andes Mountains (South America)
  • Oceanic - Oceanic Divergent
    1. Crust is created (Sea floor spreading)
    2. Two ocean plates move apart causing sea floor spreading
    3. Creates Mid-Ocean Ridge
    Example : The Mid-Atlantic Ridge
  • Continental - Continental Divergent
    1. Crust is neither created nor destroyed
    2. The two plates more apart
    3. Creates Rift Valley
    Example : The Great Rift Valley (Africa)
  • Transform Boundaries
    1. Creates Slip Fault
    2. Usually on land with 2 continental plates
    Example : San Andreas Fault (California)