What is the equation that links Resistance,Current and Potential Difference
V(potential difference in Volts)
I(current in amps)
R(resistance in Ohms)
What happens to resistance if we increase temperatureof normal materials and resistors?
Resistance increases when temp increases.
The Filament Bulb Graph.
Wire in bulb glows hot
Heat increases so does resistance
Curve less steep as resistanceincreases
What does the filamentbulbgraph look like?
What are Diodes?
diodes are a conductingswitch that has such a highresistance in a reversedirection that it forces the current only onedirection.
The Diodes Graph.
Only shows positive as it doesn't allow current to reverse
A small increase in voltage produces a huge increase in current
O. 7v delay
What is a thermistor
A resistor that depends on heat
Can be used for thermostats and car engines
What is a fixed resistor
A resistor that cannot change the amount of resistance
What is a variable resistor
A resistor that can easily adjust the amount of resistance
ammeters are added in series, volt meters are added in parallel
Light Emitting Diodes Emit light when current flows through forward
LDR graph qualities
Resistance depends on light
if bright =high resistance
is dark=low resistance
what are LDRs good for?
Night lights
What are thermistors goof for?
Thermostats and car engines
Thermistor Graph qualitiesTEMPERATURE
Depends on heat
when hot resistance decreases
when cold resistance increases
Thermistor TEMPERATURE Graph
What does the Diode Graph look like?
In some materials what happens when temperature is increased?
Electrons are freed From outer shell, meaning that it can carry a current when Pd is given.
On a thermistor V I graph when temperature is high...
Current is high, voltage is high and resistance is low.
On a thermistor V I graph when temperature is low...
Current is low, voltage is high, (?), resistance is high.
On a graph if a resistor at constant temperature, voltage is directional proportional to current
On an LDR IV graph when it is bright...
Current and voltage increase and resistance decreases
On an LDR IV graph when it is darker...
Current decrease and voltage decrease, (?) , because resistance has increased
Why is V and I directionally Proportionate
Increase in PD causes an increase in current
In an IV graph, the steeper the gradient of the line (upwards) , the lower the resistance
Why does current decrease when PD increases in a bulb graph?
because in the bulb the metal has a changing resistance, the molecules in metal move more blocking the sea of electrons
When temperature increased what would happen to the resistor
The resistor will stay the same, because resistors are made from specific materials that resistance would stay constant even if the temperature changed
LED have the same graph as what
a normal diode
What does a THERMISTOR do is temperature increases
Resistance in a thermistor decreases
What does an LDR do when light intensity increases