An immediate care given to a person who has been injured or suddenly taken ill.- It includes self-help and home care if medical assistance is not available or delayed
First Aider
is a trained personnel who provides first aid.
Primary Survey
is done to a victim that is unconscious and to immediately treat life threatening conditions.
Secondary Survey
Only performed when a victim is conscious and has revived.
Dressing – A sterilized cloth pad or similar fabric use to cover and injured body part usually a wound. It is sometimes called compress.
Roller Gauze – Made from strips of sterilized gauze rolled tightly.
Square Gauze – Sterilized gauze made from sheets of folded gauze. This comes in different sizes.
Adhesive Compress – Also called adhesive strips. It is used for small wounds.
Bandage Clean and sterile fabric material used to hold the dressing in place.
Triangular Bandage
commonly used to support fractures and dislocations.