napoleon was the son of a minor aristocratic family and was senttoFrance for education
Napoleon was entered into the EcoleMillataire in 1784
Napoleon was an outsider as he had a Corsican accent and an italian appearance
he trained as an artillery officer and was the first Corsican graduate
in 1789 Napoleon returned to Corsica and became involved with revolutionary politics
Napoleon had become a Jacobin supporter and established a friendship with Augustin Robespierre
Barras, one of the directors had a mistress Josephine who Napoleon had become interested with her social and sexual sophistication. this helped him establish links with Barras
Napoleon married Josephine in march 1796
napoleons political linksgave him his first military lead and took a leading role and devised a plan for the siege of toulon
the defeat of the British at the siege ofToulon won him fame and he was put in charge of the coastal defences on the Mediterranean
In 1795 Napoleon was promoted to brigadier general and given command of the artillery in an army sent to Italy
in October 1795 the convention was under attack from royalist mobs and napoleon was putin charge of suppressing the crowds
the whiff of grapeshot was musket balls bundeled clos3e together and fired at close range
the whiff of grapeshot mad him a candidate for promotion
In March 1796 he was appointed to command the french army in Italy