Egypt was part of the ottoman empire but was inefficiently ruled by the Mamelukes so likely to not be able to resist french forces
control over eastern Mediterranean would be a blow against British trade routes as Britain was Frances main enemy but their strong navy prevented invasion
Egypt could be used as a base for theinvasion of India also there was a considerable interest in scientific and cultural aspects of Egypt
Bonaparte wanted to establish France's position as a major world power
As Bonaparte's fleet crossed Mediterranean it was pursued by britishforces but in may 1798napoleonsforces managed to sailpast admiral nelsonsnavy and land in Egypt
French troops captured Cairo which had been defended by mamluke cavalry who fled when faced with artillery fire
napoleons forces immediately won decisive battles against the mamelukes including the battle of the pyramids 21 July 1798
during the battle of the nile the french forces who were anchored at Aboukir bay were attacked and decimated by the british navy
The French were stranded as there ships had been destroyed and all communications to France were cut off
the french forces suffered from the bubonic plague at jaffa
the heroic nature of the campaign was tarnished by the execution of 4500 Egyptian prisoners
in February 1799 the french army of Egypt moved north into Palestine and Syria but encountered a tough siege at British controlledacre. by May a decimatedfrencharmy limped back to Egypt
in Europe war was breaking out and the cisalpine republic had crumbled and Russia was making conquests west
France was in chaos so Napoleon decided to abandon his position in the Egypt to pursue his career in France in hopes of overthrowing the directory
The Egyptian campaign was seen as a series of heroic events despite their losses and setbacks and napoleon was seen as a hero
why was the Egyptian campaign seen as successful?
French victories in the battle of the pyramids
napoleon visiting plague victims in jaffa
the establishment of french power in the mystic east
during the campaign french archaeologists made a great deal of discoveries in Egyptology.
As a result of the campaign the frenchman, Bouchard discovered the famous Rosetta Stone which held the key to modern decipherment of Egyptian hieroglyphics