The Periodic Table is crucial in chemistry, providing support for students, suggesting research avenues for professionals, and organizing the whole of chemistry
After studying the Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties unit, students will be able to:
Appreciate how grouping elements according to their properties led to the development of the Periodic Table
Understand the Periodic Law
Understand the significance of atomic number and electronic configuration for periodic classification
Name elements with Z > 100 according to IUPAC nomenclature
Classify elements into s, p, d, f blocks and learn their main characteristics
Recognize periodic trends in physical and chemical properties of elements
Compare the reactivity of elements and correlate it with their occurrence in nature
Explain the relationship between ionization enthalpy and metallic character
Use scientific vocabulary appropriately to communicate ideas related to important properties of atoms like atomic/ionic radii, ionization enthalpy, electron gain enthalpy, electronegativity, and valence
Efforts to classify elements arose due to the difficulty of individually studying a large number of elements and their compounds, leading to the search for a systematic way to organize knowledge about elements
Mendeleev arranged elements in rows and columns based on increasing atomic weights, ensuring elements with similar properties were in the same vertical column or group
Mendeleev's system of classifying elements was more elaborate than Meyer's, using a broader range of physical and chemical properties to classify elements
Mendeleev made bold quantitative predictions about undiscovered elements, leaving gaps in the table for them, such as Eka-aluminium and Eka-silicon, which were later discovered
The Periodic Law is essentially the consequence of the periodic variation in electronic configurations, which determine the physical and chemical properties of elements and their compounds
The naming of new elements with atomic numbers above 100 follows a systematic nomenclature until their discovery is proved and their name is officially recognized
The first period (n = 1) starts with the filling of the lowest level (1s), containing hydrogen (1s1) and helium (1s2) when the first shell (K) is completed
Starting from boron, the 2p orbitals are filled with electrons when the L shell is completed at neon (2s22p6), resulting in 8 elements in the second period
The third period (n = 3) begins at sodium, with the added electron entering a 3s orbital. Successive filling of 3s and 3p orbitals gives rise to the third period of 8 elements from sodium to argon
The fourth period (n = 4) starts at potassium, with the added electrons filling up the 4s orbital. Before the 4p orbital is filled, filling up of 3d orbitals becomes energetically favorable, leading to the 3d transition series of elements starting from scandium (Z = 21) with the electronic configuration 3d14s2
The fifth period (n = 5) begins with rubidium and contains the 4d transition series starting at yttrium (Z = 39). This period ends at xenon with the filling up of the 5p orbitals
The sixth period (n = 6) contains 32 elements, with successive electrons entering 6s, 4f, 5d, and 6p orbitals. The filling up of the 4f orbitals begins with cerium (Z = 58) and ends at lutetium (Z = 71) to give the lanthanoid series
The seventh period (n = 7) is similar to the sixth period, with the successive filling up of the 7s, 5f, 6d, and 7p orbitals, including most man-made radioactive elements
The presence of 18 elements in the 5th period of the Periodic Table is justified by the energy order of the available orbitals (4d, 5s, and 5p) and the total number of orbitals available (9), accommodating a maximum of 18 electrons
Elements in the same vertical column or group have similar valence shell electronic configurations, the same number of electrons in the outer orbitals, and similar properties
The elements in a vertical column of the Periodic Table constitute a group or family and exhibit similar chemical behavior due to having the same number and distribution of electrons in their outermost orbitals