Tropical Rainforests - Geography

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  • Causes of deforestation
    Climate change - Amazon stores 40 billion tonnes of CO2
    Logging - Trees are cut down to be sold for hardwood/furniture/paper and 2-3% of deforestation was caused by logging between 2000-2005
    Mineral Extraction - Mining of iron, gold, copper etc. Trees must be cut down to access soil. Pollutes nearby water sources due to chemicals being washed into rivers
    HEP - large areas of forest floor must be flooded to create a reservoir - destroys animal habitats, releases CO2 from decaying vegetation, displaces indigenous people
  • Impacts of deforestation
    Soil erosion - no trees to hold the soil together so heavy rain washes it away. Tree canopy removed, so more water reaches the forest floor and washes nutrients away.
    Loss of biodiversity - destroys animal habitats + displaces them
    CO2 - When vegetation is burnt to clear forest areas, this releases CO2 into the atmosphere, causing climate change.
    Economic development - brings wealth to countries
  • Sustainable rainforest management
    Replanting - replace cut down trees
    Selective Logging - only cut down old/valuable trees to avoid clear felling large areas
    Education/ecotourism - educate tourists on how to conserve the environment. Locals are employed in tourism industry as tour guides/transport - money generated used to conserve
    Debt Relief - relieve debt from other countries in agreement to protect rainforests/money can be used in conservation schemes
  • Conditions of TRF
    Climate - Hot temperatures between 20-28 degree celsius. Sun's energy more intense near equator.
    Rainfall - very high - 2000mm per year.
    Soil - not fertile as heavy rain washes nutrients away.
    Animals - 50% of world's plant, animal, insect species here.
    People - indigenous people adapt to life in the TRF - make a living by hunting and fishing
  • Problems of deforestation
    Plant/animal species may become extinct before discovery
    Over 25% of all medicine originates from the TRF - over 2000 have anti cancer properties. The decline in biodiversity limits future medical advances.
    TRF absorbs and stores CO2, so less tress means increased CO2 levels in the atmosphere.
    TRF has valuable resources such as wood, fruit, nuts and rubber.